Columbus Property Management
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Eviction Protection

In the unfortunate event that a resident needs to be evicted from your rental, this add-on will shield you from the stress and ensure we’re able to re-rent the property promptly.

We screen our residents' credit score, a national criminal background screen, proof of income, proof of employment, past rental history, and more to greatly reduce the risk of an eviction. Unfortunately, in some cases, they can still occur.

Our Columbus property management team offers Eviction Management services including:

  • Sign and serve (in the property owner’s name) all notices required to initiate and pursue the eviction process
  • Commence and prosecute actions to evict residents
  • Recover possession of the property in the owner’s name
  • Recover rents and other amounts due

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Properties (and Growing!) Under Our Management
We can lease your home in as little as 30 days.
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